Slavnostní zahájení významného investičního projektu – „Kalové hospodářství ČOV Brno – Modřice“
It includes water abstraction, intake, treatment, transport and distribution of water for the needs of the population, industry and agriculture. The water-related facility documentation covers necessary surveys (land survey, hydrological, hydrogeological, engineering-geological and chemical-technological surveys), studies, master plans, strategic plans for the development of water supply systems at the regional level, all stages of design documentation and operating instructions.
Water abstraction, collection and treatment
Collection of surface water from waterways and reservoirs, abstraction of ground water. Proposed water treatment according to the survey conclusions in order to achieve its quality in accordance with legislative and customer’s requirements. Water treatment plants, water for industry and agriculture (irrigation).
Water transport
Transport of raw and treated water through water mains and systems, by gravity or by pumping, including the necessary storage and distribution. Mathematical modelling of distribution systems and water reservoirs.
Operation upgrade and management
Design of operation and operation management, monitoring, measurement, control, data transfer, optimization and ensured operation of urban water supply systems, water treatment plants and water supply systems and facilities.
Extension of water-related structures and facilities
Evaluation of existing operation, addition of water treatment technologies, reconstruction of structural, technological and electrical parts, control system, etc.