Landscape engineering

As regards landscape engineering, AQUATIS a.s. focuses mainly on measures aimed at water regime improvement in landscape, protection against surface and river erosion, restoration of landscape structures, soil fertility and organization of land reserves. Preparation of proposed measures is preceded by detailed analyzes of the relevant area (climatic, hydrological, hydrogeological, pedological, cultural-natural conditions, etc.). Land use, run-off conditions, methods of managing agricultural and forest land, composition of crops and stands, quantification of nutrients and pesticides transfers into the aquatic environment are analyzed in detail. The aim of these measures is to improve the structure of cultural landscape, limit water erosion and optimize management of agricultural land with regard to water retention in the landscape, reduce surface water run-off and ensure its partial transfer to groundwater flow.
The proposed technical measures, such as infiltration belts, dikes, swales, balks, field paths, grassland strip along thalwegs, etc., are amongst those forming the basis for spatial planning and implementation of land improvements. The proposals also include measures aimed to improve morphological condition of watercourses and retention capacity of floodplains, including proposals for small water reservoirs and polders.
Landscape engineering activities also include designs of irrigation systems and reservoirs as well as measures taken in the existing drainage systems in order to optimize groundwater flows in agricultural land.