Wastewater treatment plants, including facilities fitted with drained wastewater treatment equipment are of permanent interest within the AQUATIS a.s. operations.

We design wastewater treatment plants of various sizes:
from urban wastewater treatment plants (large cities with a capacity of hundreds of thousands of population  equivalent), 
through medium-sized WWTPs (cities with a capacity of tens of thousands of population equivalent), up to small wastewater treatment plants for smaller units (thousands of population equivalent).
we design new WWTPs as well as reconstruction and extension of existing WWTPs, when modifications to the WWTP are addressed in a manner which ensures operation of the existing plant

We provide:
• Preparation of design documentation - from sewer survey to sewer data collection incl. all engineering surveys necessary for the WWTP design,
• Complete construction documentation - from the study, feasibility study, through planning documentation, zoning permit documentation, joint permit, building permit up to detailed design documentation including the budget and as-built design documentation, 
• Reconstruction and extension of constructed WWTPs, additional technological stages, evaluation of the existing operation and its optimization,
• Designer's supervision on the construction site, preparation of operating instructions for the testing and permanent operation, evaluation of the testing operation, sewerage operation instructions,
• Computational models, hydrotechnical calculations, control algorithms.

We carry out the above both for the public sector and private investors.