Hydroelectric power stations

The preparation and implementation of hydroelectric power projects has its permanent place amongst services provided by AQUATIS a.s..

Hydroelectric power plants (HE) play a significant role in generating electricity around the world and in the Czech Republic and rank amongst renewable energies with a long service life. They are used in areas with sufficient hydropower potential, i.e. areas with available and adequate flow-rates and gradients. Their concept is highly variable according to local conditions and operational requirements and covers a whole range from large  essential sources of electricity to local small distributed sources.

The hydroelectric power stations are divided according to the design gradient into low pressure (up to 20 m), medium pressure (up to 100 m) and high pressure stations.

According to the method of operation they are divided into constant load, peak load and pumped storage hydro electric power stations.

According to the layout, they are divided into weir, derivation and dam power plants.

Hydroelectric power stations with an installed capacity of up to 10 MW are called small hydroelectric power stations (SHPP).

These power stations provide efficient and environmentally friendly sources of clean primary energy. With an increasing share of unstable renewable energies (photovoltaic and wind power plants), the pumped storage hydroelectric power stations hold a specific place in the electrification systems as they are able to store energy in times of excess and supply energy in periods of shortage and they can also provide other services to stabilize the system.

Preparation of the design documentation for the relevant construction plan is usually preceded by necessary surveys and analyses to the extent corresponding to the importance and function of the power station and complexity of the conditions given by its location (geodetic survey, engineering geological and hydrogeological surveys, environmental, hydrological analyses, etc.).

AQUATIS offers all kinds of services ranging from conceptual preparation and feasibility studies, through financing and getting partners for EPC projects and design preparation to cooperation during construction and commissioning for  hydroelectric power stations of all types and sizes, including pumped storage power stations.  These services cover both the construction of new hydroeletric power stations and reconstruction.