Lichnov II hydraulic structure, precise levelling, repeated measurement of precise levelling in the hydraulic structure to assess its stability

Lichnov II hydraulic structure, precise levelling, repeated measurement of precise levelling in the hydraulic structure to assess its stability
This concerns repeated targeting of observation point surveying at the Lichnov hydraulic structure using the PN (precise levelling) method with millimetre accuracy. The measurement is usually carried out twice a year, depending on the needs of the construction.
The deviations are evaluated using an Excel spread sheet and we generally come to the conclusion that they are more significant at the crest level and in the middle of the dam than at the edges and lower sections of the hydraulic structure. The progress of observation is highly dependent on the weather, especially on the wind strength and direction. It is quite interesting to observe that in order to achieve the required accuracy, the planning must also take into account the weather conditions.


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