Slavnostní zahájení významného investičního projektu – „Kalové hospodářství ČOV Brno – Modřice“
Construction of a new impoundment structure on the Po river designed to extract water for a weir-type hydroelectric power plant on the left bank. This hydraulic structure includes a fixed weir with movable gates, fish pass, boat gate and the hydroelectric power plant itself with vertical Kaplan turbines.
Locality: Casale Monferrato, Province of Alessandria
Country: Italy
Investor: IDRO BAVENO SRL, Corso Orbassano 336, 10137 Torino, Italy
Movable gates, height of 4.4m and length of 4x 44.16m. It also includes a handling manhole structure located on the left bank
Provided work:
Detail design for the technological part
Delivery and installation of the technological part of the rubber dam structure including engineering services
Construction contractor:
ALLARA S.p.A. Strada Frassineto Po 42, 15033 Casale Monferrato, Italy