Orlík Dam – flood protection of the dam

Investor: Povodí Vltavy, státní podnik

The purpose of the project is to implement measures at the Orlík Dam and in the upper impoundment of the Kamýk structure in order to ensure safe passage of a transformed  10000-year flood wave, related and induced work and other construction work  ensuring safe and reliable operation of the dam in the future. The main objective of the project is to transfer extreme flood flow rates and protect the Orlík Dam from adverse effects of flood-level flows. Implementation of the proposed measures will reduce the risk of dam failures during flood events and will improve safety of the structure to make sure that the flood risk in areas along the water course and the risk of potential failures of the hydraulic structure is sufficiently low and acceptable from the point of view of current applicable standards.
The safe passage of extreme flood waters will  be ensured by a new structure consisting of an inlet with gates, spillway with a covered and an open part and fortification of the bottom under the spillway. The project also includes related reconstruction, demolition, connections and re-laying of utility lines, vegetation management and facilities for measurement and observation. 


Capacity of new spillway gaps at MBH level - 1 m = 354,60 m n.m.: 3 x 588 m3/s
Capacity of the new spillway gaps at Mr: 3 x 487 m3/s
Capacity of new spillway gaps at Mz: 3 x 170 m3/s
Fixed spillway elevation: 346,45 m n.m.
Controlled profile: 3 x 13,3 x 8,15 m x m
Work provided by AQUATIS:
Zoning permit 
Building permit documentation
Detail design
3D BIM model
Designer’s supervision

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