Slavnostní zahájení významného investičního projektu – „Kalové hospodářství ČOV Brno – Modřice“
Investor: Vodovody a kanalizace Přerov a.s.
Construction contractor: OHLA ŽS, a.s.
Location: Přerov
The purpose of the project was to construct new sewer along the Strhanec II watercourse connecting the collector "Z" at Velká Dlážka street to the sewer N-1 at Tržní street. The construction resulted in reduced volumes of wastewater that overflow into the Bečva River from the sewerage overflow chambers.
The purpose is to convey wastewater from Dluhonská street and Na Hrázi street from Velká Dlážka street, which were hydraulically overloaded during rain events.
Obsolete, technically unsatisfactory parts of the sewage system were replaced. The project implementation resulted in increased safety of sewage and rainwater collection as well as reduced risk of potential accidents.
Basic capacities:
sewerage construction - approx. 1.07 km of sewers
construction of sewerage using trenching and trenchless technologies - shield tunnelling and pipe jacking
water and gas pipeline relocation
Work provided by AQUATIS:
Zoning permit and building permit documentation
Detail design documentation
Designer’s supervision
As-built documentation
Sewerage operating regulations