Assessment of the impact of the Dukovany NPP new unit on surface water bodies, fisheries and HPP

Investor: Výzkumný ústav vodohospodářský T.G.M, v.v.i.
The purpose of the assignment was to prepare parts of water management studies for the construction of a new nuclear power plant unit in the Dukovany location, which resulted from the requirements of the EIA process. The study was carried out for various variants according to performance alternatives and climate scenarios. 
Assessment of the effect of the new NPP unit on water bodies included analyses of qualitative and quantitative water monitoring data, modeling of water quality, evaluation of the state/potential of water bodies and evaluation of the impacts on chemical and physical-chemical component indicators and the biological state of bodies of flowing and stagnant water.
The assessment included an analysis of whether the state of the affected water bodies will deteriorate or not achieve good environmental status/potential of the affected bodies.
Length of assessed sections of water courses: 69 km
(from the Mohelno to Nové Mlýny hydraulic structure)
Number of assessed indicators: ca. 150
Number of hydroelectric power plants: 10
Work provided by AQUATIS:
• Influence on the state/potential of surface water bodies on the Jihlava river downstream the Mohelno water reservoir 
• Assessment of the impacts of the Dukovany NPP new unit on small hydroelectric power plants on the Jihlava river downstream the Dalešice hydraulic structure
• Assessment of the impacts of the Dukovany NPP new unit on interests protected by the Fishery Act

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