Slavnostní zahájení významného investičního projektu – „Kalové hospodářství ČOV Brno – Modřice“
Investor: Verejné prístavy, a. s. (Slovak Republic)
Assessment of the impact of the strategic document as per Act No. 24/2006 Sb., on Environmental Impact Assessment and on amendment and supplementation to certain acts, as amended (SEA).
Strategic document assessing the options for the modernization of the public port located at the confluence of the Váh and Danube rivers in Komárno (the Slovak Republic) with cross-boundary impacts (Hungary).
Maximum transshipment 4,000 t/day, 600,000 t/year
Peak transshipment 12,000 t/day, 1.8 million t/year
Work provided by AQUATIS:
Documentation prepared according to Annex No. 2 to Act No. 24/2006 Sb.
Strategic document assessment report prepared according to Annex No. 4 to Act No. 24/2006 Sb.
Ensuring all steps and procedures necessary to receive the statement on draft plan according to Section 14 of Act No. 24/2006 Sb.