Slavnostní zahájení významného investičního projektu – „Kalové hospodářství ČOV Brno – Modřice“
Construction of a new impoundment structure on the Falgu River in Gaya to maintain the water level at the Vishnupad Mandir temple located on the left bank. This hydraulic structure includes a fixed weir with movable gates and a footbridge.
Locality: Vishnupad Mandir, Gaya
Country: India, Bihar
Investor: Government of Bihar, Water resources department, India
Movable air-filled rubber dam structure, height of 3.1m and length of 6x 63.15m. It also includes a handling manhole structure located on the right bank
Provided work:
Detail design for the technological part
Delivery and installation of the technological part of the rubber dam structure including engineering services
Construction contractor:
NCC Limited, NCC House, Madhapur, Hyderabad 500 081, India