Water in the Landscape EXPO Marks World Water Day

In occation with World Water Day, which falls annually on March 22nd, the Water in the Landscape EXPO took place on Thursday, March 21, 2024. The event was held at the Water Resources Research Laboratory of the Faculty of Civil Engineering at Brno University of Technology. The aim of the event was to showcase the connection between research, innovation, and practice in water management, and to highlight the acceleration of these connections in recent times, driven primarily by the impacts of climate change and the increased public interest in water management issues.

Research organizations and universities, as well as companies operating predominantly in the South Moravian Region and its vicinity, presented their work at the event. Attendees included representatives of the professional community, state and local government, watercourse managers, and educational institutions in the field, including their students.
Representatives of AQUATIS a.s. presented recent projects that were carried out in collaboration with the Water Resources Research Laboratory and utilized mathematical and physical modeling of hydraulic phenomena. Following these presentations, Jiří Švancara from AQUATIS a.s. delivered a paper titled "Realized Research and Analyses for Design Practice."

Expo Voda v krajině
Expo Voda v krajině
Expo Voda v krajině
Expo Voda v krajině

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