Grand opening of the public marina for small boats in Davle.

A new public marina for small boats has opened in Davle, located between Prague and Slapy Reservoir. The marina is situated near the Vltava River bridge, just a short walk from the train station.
The floating dock is 52 meters long and is equipped with extensions where boats can be moored. The dock is made of reinforced concrete and has a wooden surface. A total of 10 boats can fit in the marina, and people can moor for free for 48 hours. There are bollards with water and electricity connections on the dock, which can be controlled using a marina card. Showers, toilets, and walkways may be added to the shore in the future.The number of skippers of small boats in the Czech Republic is growing, with a total of 69,000, and there were 3,600 new ones last year alone. According to Transport Minister Martin Kupka of ODS, tourist marinas can also attract visitors from abroad and will thus contribute to the development of tourism.
The investor in the construction is the Water Management Directorate, a.s. Our company AQUATIS is the project designer. Location: Central Bohemian Region, Davle town.
Contractor: LABSKÁ, machinery and construction company s.r.o. The ceremonial opening was attended by the Director of the Prague branch, Ing. Michael Trnka, CSc., for AQUATIS


Slavnostní otevření veřejného přístaviště pro malá plavidla v Davli.
Slavnostní otevření veřejného přístaviště pro malá plavidla v Davli.
Slavnostní otevření veřejného přístaviště pro malá plavidla v Davli.
Slavnostní otevření veřejného přístaviště pro malá plavidla v Davli.

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