Dams and Reservoirs

Dams and Reservoirs on water courses and small water reservoirs are civil structures providing conditions for utilizing a  number of benefits and for influencing flow conditions in the desired manner. First and foremost, these dams are sources of water supplying the population with drinking water and ensuring required water supplies for the industries and agriculture as well as maintaining minimum flow rates  in the water courses. They also fulfill tasks related to  flood protection, can have energy use, landscape and environmental functions, recreational use, etc.

Dams and reservoirs include mainly the following.

Impounding reservoirs (reservoirs with storage volume over 2 million m³ and depth over 9 m). The reservoir dams can be earth-fill dams, dams made of concrete or masonry. Functional structures (outlets, emergency spillways, intake structures, feeders, etc.) form part of the dam.

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Dams and Reservoirs

Hydroelectric power stations

The preparation and implementation of hydroelectric power projects has its permanent place amongst services provided by AQUATIS a.s..

Hydroelectric power plants (HE) play a significant role in generating electricity around the world and in the Czech Republic and rank amongst renewable energies with a long service life. They are used in areas with sufficient hydropower potential, i.e. areas with available and adequate flow-rates and gradients. Their concept is highly variable according to local conditions and operational requirements and covers a whole range from large  essential sources of electricity to local small distributed sources.

The hydroelectric power stations are divided according to the design gradient into low pressure (up to 20 m), medium pressure (up to 100 m) and high pressure stations .

According to the method of operation they are divided into constant load, peak load and pumped storage hydro electric power stations.

According to the layout, they are divided into weir, derivation and dam power plants .

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Hydroelectric power stations

Sewerage system

Sewerage system, which includes facilities for the collection and drainage of wastewater and rain water  from housing estates, industrial and agricultural operations, is one of the core business activities of the company AQUATIS a.s.
The preparation of sewerage structures is conditioned by necessary surveys: geodetic, hydrological, engineering-geological, hydrogeological and chemical-technological survey.

Sewerage - combined, separate and modified systems. Sewerage for sanitary sewage, rainwater, industrial wastewater etc.
Gravity, pressurized, vacuum and combined sewerage systems. Laying of sewers in collectors.
Sizing of sewers, their lay-out, material, laying, relation to the receiving body of water.

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Sewerage system


Wastewater treatment plants, including facilities fitted with drained wastewater treatment equipment are of permanent interest within the AQUATIS a.s. operations.

We design wastewater treatment plants of various sizes:
from urban wastewater treatment plants (large cities with a capacity of hundreds of thousands of population  equivalent), 
through medium-sized WWTPs (cities with a capacity of tens of thousands of population equivalent), up to small wastewater treatment plants for smaller units (thousands of population equivalent).
we design new WWTPs as well as reconstruction and extension of existing WWTPs, when modifications to the WWTP are addressed in a manner which ensures operation of the existing plant

We provide:
Preparation of design documentation - from sewer survey to sewer data collection incl. all engineering surveys necessary for the WWTP design....

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It includes water abstraction, intake, treatment, transport and distribution of water for the needs of the population, industry and agriculture. The water-related facility documentation covers necessary surveys (land survey, hydrological, hydrogeological, engineering-geological and chemical-technological surveys), studies, master plans, strategic plans for the development of water supply systems at the regional level, all stages of design documentation and operating instructions.

Water abstraction, collection and treatment 
Collection of surface water from waterways and reservoirs, abstraction of ground water. Proposed water treatment according to the survey conclusions in order to achieve its quality in accordance with legislative and customer’s requirements. Water treatment plants, water for industry and agriculture (irrigation).

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Flood protection

The objective of flood protection structures (PPO) and measures limiting the adverse impact floods is to reduce the risk of casualties and damage to property and the environment due to flood events. These measures and structures form  an important part of services provided by AQUATIS a.s.

Following extreme floods that affected the Czech Republic in the past, the perception of the urgency of preparing preventive flood protection measures has changed. Likewise, the approach regarding the design of flood protection measures and structures has been reviewed. This is based on determining the flood protection concept. Flood protection studies provide is a comprehensive evaluation of the current situation in the area of interest, specify weak points and define flood protection objectives including proposed steps of solution and specific measures....

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Flood protection

Mathematical modelling

AQUATIS a.s. is a company with a long tradition in mathematical modelling in the field of water management. As part of our services, we offer 1D, 2D, combined 1D+2D and 3D models.
These are most often the following:
• hydrodynamic modelling,
• rainfall-runoff modelling,
• erosion process modelling,
• water quality modelling
We use SW MIKE+ for 1D flow simulations This interface provides the possibility to use features of the ArcGIS software both in terms of underlying data and output  presentation.

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Mathematical modelling

Modification and revitalization of watercourses

The aim of revitalization projects is to return the existing channelized waterway to a state close to nature. In cities, but also in rural areas, the waterways were often straightened in the past, land was reclaimed and drained and riverbeds were stabilized using, for example, paving stones into concrete. In recent decades, this trend has been abandoned mainly because it turns out that these measures accelerated flood events and contributed to the drying out of the landscape.
Agricultural land was often protected by dykes at the expense of cities and these dykes were hit all the harder by floods. 

The revitalization measures return the much-needed water bodies to nature, be it wetlands, lakes, reservoirs or water course or river meanders. All these measures serve to retain water in the landscape and to return animal and plant species back to nature.

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Modification and revitalization of watercourses

Environment, landscape and water management planning

Under Section 23 (1) of the Water Act, planning in the field of water management is a continuous conceptual activity, the purpose of which is to define and mutually harmonize public interests:

• protection of water as an environmental domain including aquatic and water-related ecosystems
• reduction in  adverse impacts of floods and droughts
• sustainable use of water resources, especially for drinking water supply purposes

The planning takes place in three cycles (2010 – 2015, 2016 – 2021 and 2022 – 2027). Each of these cycles is preceded by a preparatory period. The river basin plans are developed at three levels as International River Basin Plans, National River Basin Plans...

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Environment, landscape and water management planning

Waterways and navigation

As part of this field of operations AQUATIS a.s. develops various stages of documentation ranging from studies to as-built design documentation concerning navigation channels and canalized parts of waterways, including navigation facilities.

These manly cover lock chambers, ship hoists, lock anchorage, quay walls, docks, ports for cargo vessels and recreational vessels.

The work also includes designing of service centres supplying the vessels with fuel and drinking water and ensuring waste collection. The delivery also includes technological parts of the facilities and mechanical and electrical components. The facilities are designed with the least possible disturbance of the natural environment.

Foto zdroj: Metrostav a.s.

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Waterways and navigation


Surveys provide the basis for designing engineering structures and determination of their impact on the environment. The company AQUATIS a.s. offers the following surveys:

Land survey Development of supporting data in digital form for documentation related to water management and other structures (thematic maps, longitudinal profiles, cross sections, valley profiles, etc.). Development of a basic facility map in digital form.

Construction and building staking
As-built surveys 

Development and digitization of technical and operational documentation for existing water and sewage networks.

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Project realization
Rubber dams

Rubber dams are a modern type of movable and fully automatic weir control system. Due to their relatively low prices and simple operation, they offer an ideal solution for small hydroelectric power plants and for other facilities requiring  impoundment and its control. AQUATIS a.s. has designed rubber dams for over 50 years. Besides developing design documentation, we also deliver turnkey projects. Our employees provide related engineering services consisting of supervision during assembly, commissioning and warranty services. AQUATIS a.s. in cooperation with the manufacturer of rubber-textile material used for rubber dams, Rubena s.r.o., has implemented more than 230 rubber dam projects. In addition to about 110 rubber dams installed in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland, AQUATIS a.s., in cooperation with the Austrian company Hydro-Construct GesmbH Steyr....

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Project realization<br/>Rubber dams

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